
Malaysia Internal Crises Likely to Spur Similar Outbreak in RI?

Government fears that contagion effect may play a big role in determining Indonesia's future economy and politics., Jakarta Malaysia has just recently experienced a large scale political upheaval following popular outcry directed towards financially scandalous Prime Minister Najib Razak which in turn caused for its economy to experience similar upheaval.

These largely domesticated problems have caused for its economy to be weakened overtime. The Executive Director of Initiative Association, Setyo Budiantoro said that the alleged corruption- case of Prime Minister Najib Razak immediately caused him loss of popular support with the majority of his population questioning his leadership skills.

Trust issue has become the primary impetus to the loss of faith of Malaysian people to their government with ringgit fell by 32% from its highest point last recorded in April 2011.

“Malaysia’s political and economic upheaval is similar to that of Indonesia back in 1997. Triple crises occurred including, trust, monetary and political which ended up in the most catastrophic way with President Soeharto ousted from his Presidential post,” Setyo explained.

“Triple crises in Malaysia caused a great concern for Indonesia as weak ringgit would ultimately cause for the weakening of rupiah. Contagion effect can be applied here and has wrecked havoc in the 1997 Asian economic crisis where Thailand’s weak baht contagiously caused for the weakening of currencies in other parts of Asian region” he concluded. (Akp/Ein)

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