
Pilots Under Scrutiny Following Reports of Interest to Join ISIS

Leaked information of Australian police document suggests two Indonesian pilot raising suspicion as they expressed interest in joining ISIS., Jakarta Two Indonesian pilots are speculated to have joined the radical extremist group of Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS). 

This documented information of  The Australian Federal Police (AFP) was apparently leaked and went viral on the internet which has allowed many people to become informally aware of the alarming situation.

According to the leaked document of AFP, one of the two Indonesian pilot went to travel to Australia as part of his duty and took a picture in front of Sydney's Opera House in which he posted in his facebook account last August.

The second pilot has been identified as a former AirAsia pilot who was married to a flight attendant from the same airlines company. He has been claimed to reside in the area of Ragga in East Syria. 

The document mentions how the second pilot managed to post videos portraying the executions done by ISIS.

Suspicion began following reports of their posts, which started on September last year, showing their support for ISIS and pictures of Indonesians who have fled to join the infamous group in Syria. 

One of the pilot even changed his name and expressed his interest to participate in the group.

AFP document informs how the situation has come to that worrying stage where these two potential participants are viewed to be a threat to the international security.

The Indonesian Foreign Ministry Spokesperson, Arrmanatha Nasir responded to such claim.

"We have heard about the news and we have requested for more information from the Indonesian authority. The thing is, this information comes from an institution outside of our perimeter and capacity. So, we will look forward into finding out what they know about these issues," Arrmanatha Nasir explained during press briefing at the Indonesian Foreign Ministry office, Jakarta, Thursday (9/7/2015).

"We cannot yet verified this situation. But I assure you that we have no registration in the country to allow people to join ISIS," he concluded. (Akp/Ein)

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