
Illegal Fishers Admit Malaysian Water Lacks in Fish Supply

6 Malaysian nationals have been arrested for illegally fish in the Indonesian water which led to the confiscation of their vessels., Jakarta Six Malaysian nationals have been arrested by Riau police patrol for allegedly performing illegal fishing in the Indonesian ocean. 

The arrest was followed by the confiscation of the two vessels exploited to perform such criminal act.

"What comes next is that Bengkalis Water Patrolling Police will coordinate with Malaysian consulate regarding the case and to further the investigation process upon the 6 suspects along with the two vessels they have used. This is done in order to identify the 6 captured men," Head of Bengkalis Water Police, Angga Herlambang spoken through the phone with correspondent on Wednesday 3 June 2015.

According to Herlambang, the naming of 6 Malaysian Nationals as suspects immediately became legitimate as soon as investigating officers located two devices relevant enough to indicate that those have been used to perform illegal fishing in the Indonesian water.

"Six men are currently in custody along with supporting  evidence needed for the furthering of the investigation," Herlambang continued. 

Herlambang views such confident gesture of these Malaysian nationals to come and steal fish from Indonesia as driven by the realization of fish supply deficit back in their own country.

"They admitted how Indonesian water is filled with fishes whereas in Malaysia is not as much. Thus for them, it would be profitable to fish in the neighbouring region," he added. (Akp/Ein)



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